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Founder & Executive Director

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Zachary Singerman

Zachary Singerman lives in Washington DC and attends high school at Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School. After the Tree of Life shooting, where his Grandma attends, Zack decided to get involved in the fight against antisemitism.  He found Gen Z Jews: Fighting AntiSemitism to ensure his generation was educated and involved on the issues.

About: Speakers


After the Tree of Life shooting and with rising antisemitism, Jewish teens now more than in recent generations need to be aware of the growing problem and get involved in solutions. Gen Z Jews: Fighting AntiSemitism, an award-winning nonprofit, was created to provide a forum for Gen Z to get involved and be educated on the issues and take a leadership role. This organization is different than other organizations fighting antisemitism because it is founded and organized by a teen. Most of Gen Z will be able to vote by the 2024 Presidential election. It is time to get involved.

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Board Members


Samantha Garrelick

Samantha Garelick is a Los Angeles-based designer, artist, chef, and educator. She also devotes her time to supporting Israel by working to ensure that California Members of Congress are educated on the issues. She does all of this while being a mom of four children.


Brett Kleinman

Brett is a recent graduate from Emory University in Atlanta, GA, where he studied political science and international relations. He has written op eds on issues about Israel and anti-Semitism at his college and still writes about these issues since graduation. Born and raised in Houston, Texas, Brett attended The Robert M Beren Academy for 12 years. From September 2015 to June 2016, Brett lived in Israel through Young Judaea's gap year program, Year Course.


Dawn Levy O'Donnell

Dawn Levy O’Donnell is the CEO of D Squared Tax Strategies, a unique tax policy consulting firm. She is a former Tax Counsel to the U.S. Senate Finance Committee and a former EVP of Tax at Cassidy and Associates, the oldest and largest lobbying firm in DC. She brings a wealth of high-level experience in tax policy, including tax credits, excise taxes, corporate tax, and energy tax. She is known throughout Washington for her ability to strategize and her solid understanding of Senate and House procedures.  Dawn is the founder of her own non-profit, Act Locally for Animals.


Gregory Cohen

Greg Cohen is the President of 2349 Solutions, a transportation government affairs consultancy, and Executive Director of the Roadway Safety Foundation, a charitable/educational organization focused on helping communities improve the safety of their roads.  From 2002 until 2019, Greg also served as the President and CEO of the American Highway Users Alliance, which represents the interests of motorists, truckers, bus drivers, and a wide variety of businesses that pay into the Highway Trust Fund.

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Partner organizations

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